For Fiction Authors

For Fiction Authors

Invest in Your Writing. Partner with an Editor.

You know the manuscript isn't finished, but you can't possibly go through it




Every author reaches the point of not hearing their words.

Whichever publishing path you are on (traditional, independent, or hybrid), working with an editor is an investment in your story and your author career.

Partner with an editor to cultivate your story.

The Narrative Gardener reviews fiction manuscripts in several genres, providing edits and evaluations that foster, suggest, discuss, and enhance.

Like seedlings, stories benefit from cultivating the ideas at their roots and grooming the words on the page.

Partner with an editor to grow your craft.

Writing is a constantly evolving creative process that challenges you to evaluate and improve. An editor's feedback and encouragement becomes part of your toolkit to shape, maintain, and grow  your writing craft in the direction you desire.

How Can The Narrative Gardener Help You Cultivate Your Story and Grow Your Craft?

Fiction Editing Services

Developmental Editing

All stories need strong foundations to build upon. Dig deep and establish solid frameworks for the story seeds to grow within.

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Line Editing

With the structural elements set, the words become the focus. Nurture the prose to allow the story to blossom in the reader's mind.

Read About Line Edits


Your story flourishes with strong roots and colorful prose. Apply the routine processes to keep it groomed and thriving.

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The final, light check of a manuscript for typographical errors, grammar, punctuation, implementation of revisions, and formatting.

Proofreading is done after copyediting. Take care of those small mistakes that readers can harp on in reviews!

 I'm familiar with CMOS, AP, APA, Oxford, and Australian styles, and I can work with in-house or your unique guides and style sheets.

The rate for proofreading fiction genres is $.005/word.

Proofread before you hit Publish!

Proofread, please!

Options for Sub-Novel Length Work

Stories don't only come in long form, and those shorter compositions deserve the same maintenance and care as their larger counterparts.

Explore specially tailored options to fortify and groom manuscripts in five categories under 40,000 words

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Blurb, Synopsis, Tagline Workshopping

Your manuscript is finished, but your work is not yet done. Now to condense your story into a few short pieces for covers, marketing, querying, and sale copy.

We'll collaborate over several versions to summarize your story into mind-catching, enticing snippets you can adapt as you need to.

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Query Letter Workshopping

Querying agents takes time and research, but you've figured out what you want and need to say in the space allowed. Congrats, it's not an easy feat!

Over several versions, we'll brainstorm to attract attention, stand out, and convey what the agent wants to know.

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Manuscript Evaluation

Get an idea of what is strong and where you can focus your attention during self-edits. The way down the garden path will be clear.


Beta Reading

Enlist the perspective of both a genre fan and an evaluator for your first draft. Cultivate the seedbed of your ideas.


First 100 Pages Evaluation

Get a taste of working with The Narrative Gardener in-depth as you draft or edit. Identify the weeds and encourage the story seeds.


Three Chapters Evaluation

Go deep into the first three chapters of your story, uncovering what to keep and what to cull. Refine the tendrils that reel readers in.


First Chapter Evaluation

Dig into the crucial first chapter with the reader in mind. Ensure you have all the right soil components to plant a story in.


First Page Evaluation

First pages are like the bright flowers that attract attention. Be sure you have all the elements for a  unique, colorful beginning.


Outline/Story Arc/Beat Sheet Evaluation

An outline, story arc, or beat sheet provides direction as furrows do in a garden. Make sure yours contains the scenes and components to orient your initial drafting.   


Ritu Bhathal proofreading review
Tim Seabrook critique partner testimonial

Don't forget to grab your copy of the 15 Self-Editing Tips checklist!

You can pick it up here:

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