Developmental Editing

Developmental Editing

Establish the foundations of your novel

A developmental edit (DE) is an in-depth review and analysis of your manuscript that focuses on the big-picture elements of theme, story and character arcs, time, showing vs. telling, tension and stakes, point-of-view (POV), style, and voice. Sentence-level concerns may be discussed as they relate to the larger topics, but are not a priority at this beginning stage.

DEs are comprised of extensive and intensive sessions spent with your manuscript. 

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Flexible, open communication

The editor-author relationship is unique. Both of us strive to reveal the best in a story, and we uncover that through communication, respect, and an open mind.

Contact me for availability and a customized quote specifically tailored to your manuscript.

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The Delivered Details

A Developmental Edit can be compared to a landscape's as-built plan. It provides information on the structural elements of the story, what is done well, and where more consideration is needed. 

You receive this through:


  • On-page comments with Track Changes (MS Word) 
  •  A comprehensive editorial document
  • Suggestions, informational references, and fertilizer nuggets for thought 
  • Discussion time to explore ideas that arise 
  • A 6-8 week turnaround

An 80,000 word manuscript has a typical price range of $2150-2350.  

Let The Narrative Gardener create your novel's as-built plan!


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