Line Editing

Line Editing

Make Your Prose Come Alive

A line edit falls in between a DE and a Copyedit. It focuses on paragraphs, sentences, word choice, and how they interact to bring the story to life for the reader.

Line edits benefit published and nonpublished authors by refining voice, enhancing POV, deepening character, and clarifying dialogue, especially in a series or new-to-you genre.

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seedling, water drop, sunshine in a circle

Flexible, open communication

The editor-author relationship is unique. Both of us strive to reveal the best in a story, and we uncover that through communication, respect, and an open mind.

Contact me for availability and a customized quote specifically tailored to your manuscript.

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The Delivered Details

A line edit adds essential, energizing elements to a manuscript's prose, much like watering a growing seedling does.

It's about using all the senses to immerse the reader in the story and create tangible, memorable experiences. Your writerly toolkit will be challenged and expanded!

You receive this through:


  • On-page comments and in-line suggestions with Track Changes (MS Word) 
  • A comprehensive editorial document
  • A style sheet you can use going forward (especially helpful with a series)
  • Suggestions, informational references, and fertilizer nuggets for thought 
  • Discussion time to explore ideas that arise 
  • A 4-6 week turnaround

An 80,000 word manuscript has a typical price range of $2275-3100.  

Line editing can be variable in scope depending on the manuscript. An individual quote based upon samples is the best way to determine a price range. Send in an excerpt today for a tailored estimate.

See how a prose-watering line edit can make your novel unique and unforgettable!


Yes! Make My Prose Bloom!
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