Blog Post

Dash's Doodles

Aime Sund • October 30, 2020

"You've had enough computer, come play with me."

Because I work at home, Dash is used to having me around all the time. After early morning walks and some run time in the yard, he settles down to nap and I have a relatively quiet mid-morning to mid-afternoon. 

But come three o'clock, he turns on the herding dog persistence—bringing me my shoes, socks, laundry, toys, anything he thinks will get my attention and get me up out of my chair to chase him. 

Applying this to editing means even when you work in a home office, there still needs to be a sign-off time. 

Now, I may return to the task later in the evening, but at least for a few hours, I am away to take an evening walk, have dinner, shower, exercise, etc., and play more in the backyard. 

I find then if I do go back to working later on, I have a clearer mind and a renewed focus to get just a bit more done for the day. 

Small breaks and a sign-off time add some structure to your day, keep you moving, and give you something to look forward to. The next work session benefits from the renewed energy breaks and evenings off bring.

Dash won't let me sit for hours on end. He knows it's not a healthy way to be, physically or mentally. 

I always take Dash's hint, I don't really have a choice, he is adamant and does not give up. I end up laughing at his antics and I can't resist his imploring eyes. Who better to play and recharge the batteries with than this little red love.

Be good to yourself—schedule in recharging breaks and evenings. And play with your pets, they love time with you, too.~

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